Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop hosted by http://www.parajunkee.com/ - a fantastic blog! I'm really excited to be joining in :) However, I've not figured out how it works yet myself so can't explain how to join in-this post may not work in fact :P You'll have to visit to find out more!
This Week's Question: Let's step away from besties...What is the worst book that you've ever read and actually finished?
I love this question! Without a question of a doubt my answer is Just In Case by Meg Rosoff. I read this book several years ago as a year nine student taking part in my school's Carnegie Shadowing Club.... and I absolutely couldn't stand it... at all... not one single page. I finished it as I have a big thing about finishing books and never giving up on them however rubbish they seem- of course also wanted to earn the six house points available for finishing all six books on the carnegie shortlist :P
I can't honestly say I remember why I hated it I just thought it was awful, as did the majority of the shadowing club. I was gutted when it won :( This is pretty much the only book I've ever hated as I tend to get some enjoyment out of any book I read even when it's not quite cup of tea- as is the case with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest which I've nearly finished and will be reviewing soon :)
Heather xx
I can't remember why either, though.
Also your HTML at the top is messed up...
New follower here, from the hop. Welcome to the world of blogging!
Have a great weekend! :)
Here's mine:
Hopping through. New follower! Too bad the book didn't work for you, but the idea of a Carnegie Shadowing Club is pretty cool.
My Hop
Agree with you all the way, it was awful! Remember how it had no real plot and the characters were so weak. It should never have won :(
New follower hopping through. I've never heard of that book -- sorry it didn't work out for you.
Hope you're having a good weekend! :)
Reader's Refuge
@Emma: I've fixed the html, thanks for helping :) UGH it was awful- i still can't believe it was the winner!
@Elly: Completely agree :)
Thanks to my new followers, I've followed you all back and love your blogs :) xx
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