Tuesday 7 February 2012

February is upon us...

.....6 days ago in fact, but let’s just pretend! January has flown by this year really quickly; I can’t quite believe it’s gone already. Books I’ve read this month (some of which I’m aiming to review) are:

·         The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
·         Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
·         Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
·         Torment by Lauren Kate
·         Passion by Lauren Kate
·         The Mill on the Floss George Elliot
Has anyone read/got any opinions on these?
I’ve achieved most of my January resolutions which is fab: I’ve kept in contact with friends who live far away- more so than in previous months anyway, prepared for my theory test, and have been eating relatively healthily so I’m pleased with that J Is anybody still sticking to their new years resolutions or are they long forgotten?
Februarys resolutions: Pass my theory test (ACHIEVED!), get up at a reasonable time every time and stop sleeping until really late, meditate twice a day for 20 minutes,  and to average one review a day on dooyoo, a website I’ve recently discovered where you get paid for writing reviews, on literally anything, from books to make-up to camera’s to breakfast cereal – I haven’t actually checked if there are reviews about cereal, *goes off to check* well knock me down with a feather, there are literally hundreds of reviews on breakfast cereal! Anyhow, my current total is at £1.45 after writing just 3 reviews, but cheques aren’t sent out until £50 is reached so I’m aiming to boost my total this month… let’s see what it is when we reach March… I’m sensing a challenge!

Heather x

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